It all happened so fast. Six-foot social distancing rules. More canceled events than we can count. Fashion brands selling face masks. Two months ago feels like another world and nothing about our “new normal” is, in fact, normal. Almost overnight, we’ve become a world relying heavily on virtual experiences and WiFi-based connections. Navigating this increasingly online and constantly evolving space can feel tricky at best, impossible at worst.

That’s why we’re teaming up with PR Consultant Mary Leigh Howell—to show how you can not only adjust to this new world, but also lead. The way you operate now will have an enormous impact on your future. More than ever, it’s important to the health of your business to not lose your audience and get left behind. Reach people where they are right now—at home and online—and expand your virtual community to take your business to the next level, both during and after this Coronavirus crisis.

Watch the recording: Jennifer Smiga, ultraviolet’s founder and Creative Director, and Mary Leigh Howell, PR consultant, on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST for our FREE 45-minute webinar, “Renovating The Design Industry: Media Relations + Digital Strategies In The New Normal” where we’ll cover topics including:

  • The Media: Layoffs and furloughs, disrupted production cycles, print production ending; understanding the impact COVID-19 has had on digital and print publications around the world will help you better communicate with editors and reporters.
  • Content = Community: The digital experience you provide is more important than ever. Empathy, authenticity and relevance are just the beginning of your storytellers journey. Knowing what people are searching for will help you connect with them and see you as a trusted resource.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Influencers and the media are still on the lookout for meaningful content and collaboration. Discover how to package and present your brand to develop the connections you want to grow your business.

As markets and trade shows around the world—like High Point Market, Coverings, Legends and Salone del Mobile—have been canceled or postponed, interior designers, influencers and manufacturers are scrambling. Don’t be the last one to come up with—and carry out—a plan. More than ever, how you tell your story and represent your brand is crucial to your success. 

In this new climate, you’ll need to adapt and evolve your digital strategies to stay visible and engaged. You also need to adapt and evolve your messaging to connect with the new perspectives and needs of your audience. That’s where we can help.
